Friday 30 January 2015

Directions Unit: Lighting Workshop 2

For our second lighting workshop, we tried to capture the lighting set up and overall appearance of images from a handbook. We were taught about 3 dimensional contrast and how we always need to be able to pick the image apart like this...

In a group with three other people, we used the Arri Lighting Handbook to pick out three images. We tried to create images as close to them as we could by using the diagram of how the lights were set up as a reference.

Our first image and diagram...

We started by setting up the lights in the same way as shown above, placing a chair and model at an angle in the centre, and placing a black projector screen behind him. We then rearranged our lights positions and flood to try and capture the light hitting the screen behind the model, the shadows on the left side of his face and under his chin, and the highlights on his face...

I think we did very well with this image. We didn't quite capture the highlighting on his cheeks and the back light wasn't quite large enough. But we captured the highlights on his t-zone and the hard light to create shadows on the side of his face and under his chin.

Our second image and diagram...

Again, we started by following the diagram to get the chair, model, projector screen (white) and lights into place. We also used a diffuser sheet to create the frost effect from the diagram and soften the back light on the model. We attempted to capture the bright white background, the small amount of light on the right side of her jaw and the back of her neck, the shadow on her right cheek, the highlights on her t-zone and cheeks, and the shadow under her chin...

We weren't quite as successful with this image. We didn't quite create a fully white background as it still has a gradient to it, and our aperture was slightly too high, making our image closer to high-key, when the example image is more low-key. However, we did capture the light hitting his jawline and back of neck, the shadow on his cheek and the shadow under on his neck. I think we also managed to keep the soft light look on her cheek with our attempt by using the diffuser.

Our third image and diagram...

Just like the last two, we set up our lights and model according to the diagram. This time we placed him in front of an open space in the studio with a piece of equipment behind him, similar to the example image. We attempted to capture the hard shadow along the right side of his face and arm...

I think we struggled with this image slightly. We had quite a few attempts of repositioned the lights and changing the flood and hardness, but were unable to create an image close enough to the example. We managed to create the shadow on his nose and the right side of his cheek, although the shadow is a bit too hard. But there's not defining shadow on his arm.

I've learnt a lot from our two lighting workshops. I think it's going to benefit me a lot with my directions project as I will know more technical terms, have more knowledge on how to try and get lighting exact and how to give clear instructions one what lighting I want to use.

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