Monday 12 January 2015

Directions Unit: Initial Idea

Part One:

Characters: Female lead (loner)

Sequence: Introducing the character

Costume: Messy hair, tied up. Smudged, dark make-up. Piercings. Track marks on her arms. Possibly a tattoo. Effortless, dull coloured bed clothes. Possibly a vest and joggers

Location: Her bedroom

Production Design: Low-key lighting, practically empty room except for some mess, possibly a decaying appearance

Camera work: 
Silhouettes, wide shots, low angled shots, close-ups, zooming in shots, static shots

Creative title sequence that expresses the theme of the film, single frame inserts for flashbacks, blue tinted colour temperature for the present, yellow/green colour temperature for flashbacks

Sound: A small amount of sound from the scene. Music by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

Description: Starts with a creative title sequence, images of a dirty spoon, a lighter, an open bottle of pills, open spaces. The scene starts with the main character laying in bed, asleep. The camera over her. It zooms in on her ever so slightly and slowly, while she fidgets a bit with a pained look on her face. During this there are single frame inserts of flashbacks, starting happily, ending badly. They're of her and her mum, first of them laughing together, then of her mum crying. She suddenly wakes up gasping, throwing herself closer to the camera while catching her breath. The shot changes to one of her sitting up in bed, head in hands, as a silhouette. She gets up and walks to the window. She looks out of it for a while looking sad. Then down at a framed photo of her and her mum looking happy. She looks at it slightly angrily for a while, a single frame insert of her mum laying on a bed with her eyes closed plays. The character closes her eyes with the same expression, then places the frame face down on the table.


Part Two:

Characters: Female lead (loner)

Sequence: Mealtime

Costume: Still messy hair, tied up and slightly smudged, dark make-up. A loose fitting top and jeans, scruffy shoes, all dull colours, no accessories but the piercings

Location: Her kitchen

Production Design: Low-key lighting, practically empty room except for some mess, possibly a decaying appearance

Camera work: Wide shots, low angled shots, close-ups, static shots, a shot looking inside a fridge

Editing: Blue tinted colour temperature

Sound: A small amount of sound from the scene. Music by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

Description: The fridge being opened, practically empty inside except for beer, empty containers and possibly mouldy food. Her hand is seen taking a bottle of beer out and the door slams shut. She opens the bottle and takes a swig, leaning against the kitchen counter looking around at the mess on them and the empty space in the room. After a while she take her phone from her pocket. She looks at the time; 3:11pm (reference to the band 311 - used in Fight Club, and Zodiac). She puts her phone away and walks out of shot.


Part Three:

Characters: Female lead (loner) & male character (drug dealer)

Sequence: The conversation

Her: Still messy hair, tied up and slightly smudged, dark make-up. A black leather jacket over the same outfit as part two. Black fingerless gloves.

Him: Average hair (not necessarily neat or messy). A dark jacket with a hood, but the hood is down. Jeans and average shoes, both dark and dull

Location: Two streets and an alleyway

Production Design: A decaying looking area for the streets and alleyway, low-key lit alleyway

Camera work: Wide shots, low angled shots, close-ups, static shots, a single hand-held shot, fluid tracking camera shots, static shot: unfocused background with character walking into focus

Editing: Single frame inserts for flashbacks, blue tinted colour temperature for the present, yellow/green colour temperature for flashbacks, end credits scrolling downward

Sound: A small amount of sound from the scene. Music by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

Description: The female lead walks out of the front door and along the street, looking down, average pace, hands in pockets. Elsewhere, the male character walks down a street, hands in pockets, looking forward, slightly fast pace. She stops in an alleyway, looks around and leans against a wall. Shortly after, the male character turns the corner into shot, coming into focus as he walks into a close-up and stops. They say the lines in the script in a manner where it seems as if he's making conversation and she's trying to end it. About two thirds into their conversation, while still talking she takes some money out from her pocket. He then takes a small plastic bag from his pocket filled with a white powder. They carry on talking as they exchange these, she puts the bag in her pocket while he checks the money's authenticity by holding it up. The female character says "I guess we should cut out early, keep the audience interested". The male character replies "And how would your director do that?". She looks away for a moment, looking distracted and sad. A single frame insert of her mum laying eyes closed on the bed, next to an empty bottle of pills plays. Followed by one of the same scene, including the female lead with a softer costume, crying and screaming. A last single frame insert plays of the female lead standing in a graveyard. Back in the present she closes her eyes and twitches, as if she's shaking the flashbacks off. She takes the bag of drugs out of her pocket, looking down at them. She looks up at him and in response to his question says "By making it all go away". She puts the bag back in her pocket and slowly walks away from the camera. The end credits roll, scrolling downward.


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