Sunday 25 January 2015

Directions Unit: Casting

At this point in time, I have had 9 actresses apply for the role of Mara, and 8 actors apply for the role of Rick on Casting Call Pro. I'm absolutely thrilled! I've carefully scanned through each and every one of their profiles, cover letters and screenplays. There are some who simply didn't look right for the parts, so I don't have them in mind. However, there are a lot of applicants who seem between suitable and perfect for the parts.

On Friday afternoon I contacted two actresses and three actors on Casting Call. Telling them that I think they're suitable for the role and would like them to read the script attached and come in for an audition on January 28th. I currently have one actress (the one I feel is perfect for the role of Mara) coming into the studios for an audition on that date, and one actor who will audition over Skype on that date later in the day.

I think that's a fantastic result from start to finish as the job advert was only posted on Tuesday afternoon! I'm very excited to hold my first ever audition and meet the actors, and I'm very hopeful that the other actors I reached out to contact me soon!

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