Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Documentary Unit: Pride Footage & Title

We'd originally struggled to receive any answers about using people's YouTube pride footage. But finally, we got replies this week and have now been able to add it to the documentary. It's been extremely helpful for our sequences and cutaways, as well as bringing a lot of vibrancy and excitement. We've now also been able to have our statistics and questions written on screen at the same time as they're said in the commentary, as I liked the idea of having slowed down, slightly blurred, black and white Pride footage in the background. We both think it looks great.

We also decided on our title yesterday: Being Gay Today. As our tutor suggested that we either using a pun for a title or something very straight forward, we opted for the latter, due to this being a sensitive topic. I think our title works really well with the documentary as it describes exactly what it's about - dealing with being gay in this time.

One of our on-screen statistics

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