Monday, 24 November 2014

Unit 1: Story-telling: Project Update

Here is my final cut of Cell...

For the most part, it's not very different to my second rough cut. But I've made some changes to the end that I feel are dramatically different. These were adding in street noise (the real noise from the footage) and making the slow music that plays sound like it's coming from the car radio at a low volume.

I think these changes create a completely different atmosphere and bring the scene to life. Hearing footsteps and street noise will make the audience feel like they're right there with the characters amongst the chaos. Also, I didn't want to completely cut out the music at the end as I feel it gives it that extra dramatic and sad touch, but I agree with my course leader that the film is more realistic and simply stronger without it being the only sound. So I took his advice by making it blend into the scene and I think it sounds much better. The way it sounds when it finishes with that stereo effect on the title feels very eery too, I like that it may leave the audience feeling slightly haunted.

I'm very pleased with my first two minutes of my script / trailer (because it basically is a bit of both). I love how throughout the two minutes the scenes pick up the pace along to the music. I think I've managed to fit both a lot of story-telling about the characters and drama into just two minutes without it feeling rushed, so I'm proud of that.

If I could improve on anything it would be my camera skills, I think I've learnt a lot as I've never used a professional camera before. But if I could, I would go back and have taken a larger variety of shots in each scene so that I could have edited everything together to look a bit more fast paced and I would have practised getting shots into focus a bit more to become more skilled at it.

Although my work has flaws, as to be expected, I'm very proud of my script and my two minute cut.

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